Timeout 2.x.x Help

On first use:
When starting Timeout for the first time, you will be prompted for a password which is used to lock and unlock the control panel. It can be any length, and contain any characters, even spaces.
This password should not be known by the child(ren) this software is being used to restrict.
You are also prompted to be shown this help documentation if an Internet connection is available.

The Control Panel:
When the application loads, and the timer is not enabled, the control panel will automatically be visible. If Timeout is enabled, it will start running automatically. To view the control panel, double-click the system tray icon, or right-click it, and select 'View Control Panel'. To unlock the control panel, type the password, and either press enter or click 'Unlock'.
You will now be able to perform any task related to this software. Using the buttons on the right side, you can check for updates, change the password, and at the bottom, view about information and view this help documentation.
To begin using Timeout, click the 'Enable Timeout' checkbox. Timeout is user specific, so if you have more than one user account that you want to restrict, simply log into that account, and set the settings individually for each account. You can now select which mode to use. Click on either the radiobuttons, or the title to select the mode. For Timeout to work without user intervention (someone actually running the software) at every session, the 'Startup Automatically For This User' checkbox must be checked. The recommended setting is checked because this is almost a requirement when using the quota mode, as described below. When the 'Disable Automatic Pause On Session Lock' checkbox is checked, Timeout will not automatically pause when the user's session is locked.

Daily Quota Mode:
You can set a time limit in hours and minutes, for each day, as well as a time to warn your child that the set action is going to take place.

In Quota mode, when Timeout is started, it will count down from the time you have set. When the user logs off, or when the computer is shut down, locked, or suspended, Timeout will automatically save and close. When the user logs on/resumes the session again, the countdown will resume. You can view how much time is remaining by hovering over the system tray icon when Timeout is running, or by viewing the 'Time Remaining' area of the control panel. When the Quota is approaching its end, an unmissable warning will be given to the user before the action is to take place. The warning is given however many minutes before, as set in the control panel. If zero is set, there will be no warning. If the user runs over the time limit and the action is taken, the user will not be able to log back into their account. If they try, they will be given 30 seconds to enter the password for Timeout, or they will be logged out. At midnight, when the date changes, the Quota will be reset automatically, and the user will be able to log in, and the countdown will start all over again. If the user does not use their entire Quota, the time will be reset anyway. The computer does not have to be running for the quota to be reset.

Per-session Time Limit Mode:
You can set a time limit in hours and minutes, for the session, as well as a time to warn your child that the set action is going to take place.

In Session mode, when Timeout is started, it will count down from the time you have set. When the user logs off, or the computer is shut down, (but not when it is locked or suspended), Timeout will close. When the user logs on again, the countdown will reset, and start again from what is set in the control panel. You can view how much time is remaining by hovering over the system tray icon when Timeout is running, or by viewing the 'Time Remaining' area of the control panel. When the time limit is approaching its end, an unmissable warning will be given to the user before the action is to take place. The warning is given however many minutes before, as set in the control panel. If zero is set, there will be no warning. If the user runs over the time limit, the action is taken. The user will be able to log back into their account anytime after. The time limit is only for the one session before it is reset.

Time Spent Online Versus Logged In:
When this checkbox is checked, Timeout will not continually count down. It will only count down when a web browser is running. This allows the user to spend as much time on the computer doing other things like writing documents, or listening to music as they want, but only a certain amount of time browsing the web. When the user exceeds the maximum time online, the selected action will be taken. When the checkbox is checked, the action is automatically changed to 'Lock Browser'. This action simply restricts any browser from running. Currently supported browsers: Google Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari.

Time Window Mode:
This mode restricts the user so that they can only use the computer between the hours set in the control panel.

In Time Window mode, when Timeout is started, it will calculate if the user is allowed to access the computer at the current time (from the time you have set). If the current time is outside the time window they will be given 30 seconds to enter the password for Timeout, or they will be logged out. If they are inside the window, Timeout will operate and monitor the time in the background. When the user logs off, or when the computer is shut down, locked, or suspended, Timeout will automatically save and close. When the user logs on/resumes the session again, the time window will be reevaluated. You can view how much time is remaining by hovering over the system tray icon when Timeout is running, or by viewing the 'Time Remaining' area of the control panel. When the end of the window is approaching, an unmissable warning will be given to the user before the action is to take place. The warning is given however many minutes before, as set in the control panel. If zero is set, there will be no warning. If the user runs past the window`s end, the action is taken.

The Action:
You can select an action to occur when the time limit ends.
Log Off ends the user's session, and returns them to the login screen.
Shut Down ends the user's session, as well as shuts down Windows, and turns off the computer.
Lock Browser is only available when the Online mode is enabled. When this action is taken, all web browsers on the computer are temporarily disabled.
Custom Command is currently only available under Quota mode. When this option is selected, Timeout will run the program/batch file that has been selected.

Popup Help:
When this check box is checked, most controls, when hovered over with the mouse, will display a popup containing a brief description of the control. The popups can be disabled by unchecking the box.

The Minimum Time:
This feature is designed to prevent the user from accidentally setting a time of only a few minutes, and ending up permanently locking themselves out of their computer. Romaco Canada decided that 15 minutes was sufficient, but some people asked us to make the time variable. You will not be able to set a time that is shorter than this number. Most users will not need to change this value, and can ignore this setting altogether.

Security Settings:
Clicking this button will open a dialog window allowing you to choose if Timeout is to kill all instances of Windows Task Manager or Sysinternals Process Explorer that it finds.

Before version 2.0.0, Timeout was made vulnerable by these two applications. When the check box in the dialog is checked, Timeout will stop either one from running while Timeout is running. Timeout as of version 2.1.0 is invincible to these types of security breeches, and process control software cannot stop it.

Starting the Timer:
You can start the timer by either clicking the 'Run Immediately' button, clicking 'Reset Quota' (if using the Daily Quota Mode), or by closing and reopening the application. When the timer is running, you will not be able to change the settings. You can only edit the settings once the timer is stopped.

Stopping the Timer:
If the timer is running, you can stop it by clicking the 'Stop' button, or by disabling Timeout by unchecking the 'Enable Timeout' checkbox. If using the Time Window mode, this will not pause time (because that is not possible), but instead it will stop Timeout's execution so that it can be shut down or so settings can be changed.

Pausing the Timer:
If the timer is running, any user can pause the timer by clicking the 'Pause' button. This will pause the timer, and show a splash screen. The computer cannot be used when paused, but can be resumed instantly by clicking anywhere on the pause splash screen. The pause feature is only available in Daily Quota Mode. You can also pause the timer using the 'Pause' entry in the menu for the system tray.

Resetting the Quota:
If the timer is in Daily Quota Mode, you can renew the full quota by clicking the 'Reset Quota' button. It will restart the time limit, and start the timer automatically.

Quitting the Application:
If the timer is not running, clicking 'Apply and Close', will quit the application, even if Timeout is enabled.
If the timer is running, clicking 'Apply and Hide', will close the control panel, but keep Timeout running in the system tray so it can function.
If the timer is running and you require the application to be completely closed, click 'Stop', and then click the 'Apply and Close' button. When Timeout is run again, it will be resumed from the point where it was stopped.

Timeout will not work if the system tray icon is not visible.

The System Tray Icon:
When the timer is running, hovering over the system tray icon will show the amount of time remaining.
Double-clicking the icon will show the control panel.
Right-clicking the icon will show a menu which will allow you to open the control panel and view the about information, along with the option to pause the timer if using the Quota mode.

Trying to Access the Computer After the Action Has Been Taken:
If Timeout is running in the Session mode, you can log back into the computer normally.

If Timeout is running in the Quota mode and you have exceeded the daily limit, when you log in, you will be confronted with a warning window. This window will allow you to type the password directly into it. If the correct password is entered within 30 seconds, then Timeout will close. If you wait 5 seconds, you can click the link below the password entry field to view the control panel. You must then enter the password into the control panel within 25 seconds or you will be logged out.

If Timeout is running in the Time Window Mode, and you are outside the time window, when you log in, you will be confronted with a warning window. This window will allow you to type the password directly into it. If the correct password is entered within 30 seconds, then Timeout will close. If you wait 5 seconds, you can click the link below the password entry field to view the control panel. You must then enter the password into the control panel within 25 seconds, or you will be logged out.