Timeout Version History
Timeout has been discontinued and 3.1.4 will be the last version.
3.2.0 (Proposed)
Add support for different time limits for different weekdays in the Access Window,
Session, and Web Monitor modules
Change Timeout to only require .NET 4.0 Client Profile, not full version
Add health module; Eye strain and stretch reminders
Add support for usage tracking and graphing
Add password recovery system
- Change to new InstallShield installer system
- Fix bug where Timeout does not auto-start at all
- Fix bug where shutdown or logout action could be circumvented
- Fix bug where Timeout does not auto-start on certain installations
- Fix bug where the web browser block is not removed when quota is reset
- Fix crash on resume from pause
- Fix random crashes on certain systems
- Make Daily Quota Module have different time limits for different weekdays
- Correct install 'Error 1001' in certain system configurations
- Fix problem with Access Window where midnight and noon are reversed
- Slight memory usage improvement
- Allow Access Window to span over midnight
- Pause screen will cover multiple monitors
- Timeout's survivability will be improved
- Improve clarity of time format in system tray icon tooltip
- Improve clarity on the function of the 'Hide' button (same as 2.x.x)
- System tray icon will change colour indicating progress
- Add lock, hibernate, and suspend actions
- Option to let the user choose which Action to be taken when a module expires
- Corrected bug where Timeout fails to install giving 'Error 1001'
- Corrected bug where Timeout fails to pause when the computer is suspended in certain situations
- Corrected bug where the log out action would fail
- Corrected bug where the application would shut down on enabling the Access Window Module
- Entirely rebuilt from scratch
- No longer architecture dependent
- New Interface
- Added Website Blocker
- Added Program Blocker
- Added Separate Web Time Monitor
- All features are now known as "Modules", and can be enabled and disabled in any configuration
- Windows 7 icon theme, and taskbar integration including coloured progressbars
- At-a-glance status pane with individual progressbars
- Better web browser blocking (same technology used in program blocker)
- Added option to add your own pause screen image
- Added password protection to uninstaller
- Added tooltip for minimize button
- Stop button is now disabled when Timeout is not enabled
- Fixed availibility of custom command
- Added minimize button
- Added option to launch help in default computer web browser
- Fixed bug which will not let you cancel setting the initial password
- Several branding and aesthetic changes
- Fixed Bug Where Timeout would crash on certain Limited Accounts
- Improved warning visibility over certain applications/games
- Fixed possible apphang when quota exceeded
- Added support for new website
- Added support for automatic updates
- Fixed possible appcrash on startup on certain limited user accounts